Crazy 1970s wallpaper needs a painting next to it

Home interior in Easton PA with a painting with Spain imagery

Every once in a while I’ll see a real estate photo that screams out as a perfect room for a (virtual) art installation. I saw this room with the funky 1970s wallpaper and orangish-brown paint and decided I would Photoshop one of my paintings into the interior. The painting is titled “Spanish Excursionism,” and is … Read more

Art inspired by Paris, recently sold canvas by Mark McKinney

Mark McKinney art sold based on images from Paris

It’s always satisfying when someone wants to live with one of my paintings, and this one, titled “Paris Think and Feel” from 1998, was recently sold. It’s a 30 x 34 inch oil on canvas, and the imagery caused the people viewing it to speculate on what is going on here. As an artist, I … Read more

You’ve found artist Mark McKinney in NYC, not the actor

artist Mark McKinney behind a vintage television set in NYC

I have a funny story about mistaken identity and fan mail, back when I lived in New York City in the 1990s. I was working at Pace Gallery and lived downtown, near Wall Street. I was doing as much painting as I had time for after my “day job,” and it was the tail end … Read more

Drawn to empty spaces with the ideas of an art gallery

storefront art gallery McKinney Arts

I’ve had a habit – for maybe 30 years now, dating back to when I lived in NYC – of seeing an empty storefront or building and wondering to myself: would that make for a good art gallery space? Considering I had a storefront gallery on East 11th Street in the late 1990s (see more … Read more

Real estate listing with famous art reproductions

famous art reproductions

I was looking at some real estate listings online when I noticed some famous art reproductions all in the same house in Newburgh, NY. The first one that grabbed my attention was this copy of “Juan de Pareja,” by the Spanish artist Diego Velázquez (the original is circa 1650), installed in this turquoise blue hallway. … Read more

Busy Corner in Peekskill, NY

Busy Corner in Peekskill, NY

On my recent day trip to Peekskill, NY, I was walking down Main Street when I noticed this building on the corner of N. Division Street and Main Street with the sign that says “Busy Corner.” I thought “that’s pretty funny, someone decided to declare this a busy corner.” Busy with what? It turns out … Read more

A consistency of art style – or not

paintings by artist Mark McKinney

These are the last two paintings using acrylic on canvas that I’ve made, and I think you’d agree with me that the styles are quite different. The first one, titled “A Knowing Glance,” is a cubist-styled portrait, and the second one, titled “A Memory in search of Part 2 (Brant Lake),” is a landscape painting, … Read more