Crazy 1970s wallpaper needs a painting next to it

Home interior in Easton PA with a painting with Spain imagery

Every once in a while I’ll see a real estate photo that screams out as a perfect room for a (virtual) art installation. I saw this room with the funky 1970s wallpaper and orangish-brown paint and decided I would Photoshop one of my paintings into the interior. The painting is titled “Spanish Excursionism,” and is … Read more

Art inspired by Paris, recently sold canvas by Mark McKinney

Mark McKinney art sold based on images from Paris

It’s always satisfying when someone wants to live with one of my paintings, and this one, titled “Paris Think and Feel” from 1998, was recently sold. It’s a 30 x 34 inch oil on canvas, and the imagery caused the people viewing it to speculate on what is going on here. As an artist, I … Read more

Giving Art Away for Free

public art by Mark McKinney

I was reading an old article from the NY Times about an artist who gives away his art, secretly … and it was both fascinating and thought-provoking. The artist, Fred Cray, has hidden over 32,000 works of his art throughout New York City over the past 12 years. He has a totally different approach than … Read more