Crazy 1970s wallpaper needs a painting next to it

Home interior in Easton PA with a painting with Spain imagery

Every once in a while I’ll see a real estate photo that screams out as a perfect room for a (virtual) art installation. I saw this room with the funky 1970s wallpaper and orangish-brown paint and decided I would Photoshop one of my paintings into the interior. The painting is titled “Spanish Excursionism,” and is … Read more

An empty sign looks like a potential art billboard

empty sign seen on Franklin Avenue in Belleville, NJ

I was walking home from some errands when I noticed this empty sign along Franklin Avenue in my town of Belleville, NJ. I can see a very faint trace of the former sign for one-time men’s hair replacement center, but it looks like they turned it inside out so that the blank back side would … Read more

Art on a truck – a mobile art exhibition

landscapers truck that collects leaves

I was running some errands the other day when I noticed this landscaper’s truck ahead of me, and those nice rectangular areas on the back … I thought, who needs an art gallery exhibition? Wouldn’t it be cool to have some paintings on the back of this truck being driven all around town for people … Read more