An empty sign looks like a potential art billboard

empty sign seen on Franklin Avenue in Belleville, NJ

I was walking home from some errands when I noticed this empty sign along Franklin Avenue in my town of Belleville, NJ. I can see a very faint trace of the former sign for one-time men’s hair replacement center, but it looks like they turned it inside out so that the blank back side would … Read more

Art on a truck – a mobile art exhibition

landscapers truck that collects leaves

I was running some errands the other day when I noticed this landscaper’s truck ahead of me, and those nice rectangular areas on the back … I thought, who needs an art gallery exhibition? Wouldn’t it be cool to have some paintings on the back of this truck being driven all around town for people … Read more

Making new art out of an iPhone filtered painting

CamWow filter on original art painting

I was looking through some old pictures on my iMac, when I noticed some photos I took using an iPhone app called “CamWow,” which doesn’t seem to be in existence anymore. It definitely had some cool effects, as far as making my original painting titled “From the Inside Out,” 2012, (above left) look different. This … Read more